Wondering when to kick off your yearly inspections? This post breaks down the best timing, key tasks to tackle, and tips to make sure you’re ready for a smooth start to the year. Let’s get your checklist sorted!
What to do with a weak colony in the spring.

"Ever wondered what beekeepers do when the bees aren't buzzing? Get ready to discover the exciting world of beekeepers beyond the beekeeping season in 2022-2023!"

"Get ready to meet your prickly neighbors! Find out how you can help the hedgehogs in your area and make a difference in their lives. Learn about their habits and how to create a safe and welcoming environment for them in your garden."

Learn how to attract bees to your backyard with bait hives! This blog post will show you how to create a simple and effective bait hive to lure in a swarm of bees and start your own hive.

The do's and donts of starting Beekeeping

2021 Heather Honey is Flowing in.

2021 Heather move underway

Came home to find I had Guests